Health, yoga, fitness. Does not sound as controversial as the people today have made it. Whether it's mental, physical, or material, most people in the world would likely give away hundreds and thousands of dollars to possess a healthy approach to living. Like the world would like to set it, "Health is wealth". Does it really reconstruct the fact that every single person around is going to die one day anyway? Well, I think not.
For instance, there are two friends; One who fancies living a healthy lifestyle, works out five times a week, intakes all the minerals and vitamins and proteins, and whatnot. And then there is this other guy who munches burgers and fries for lunch and supper, hasn't faced a gym in his entire lifetime, and does not care so much about his health in practice. Now imagine the first 'healthy' guy dies much before then the guy who does not care at all about his health. What difference will it make? Not to sound a pessimist but Fate is still a thing. I mean the one who is meant to pass away will pass away no matter what when it's time, be him healthy or not.
What do you think about the people who spend bucks on health insurance? Will it save them at the time of their death? Well in some cases it might actually save them but in others, not so much. Professor Henry Brubaker once quoted, 'Having a long life is all very well, but what if that life is utterly tedious?'. What is the point of spending thousands on your body and still living a life in despair to die one day? Now again I'm not motivating anyone to go Anorexic or malnourished, no friends don't do that; It would not be cool at all.
Healthy individuals on social media may be categorized into multiple segments. People are being shamed based on their skin color, height, weight, and many more unbelievable details. The most typical among these is being body shamed. " He's too skinny"," Woah that woman got abs!", "Is she pregnant or just fat and bloated?" The list goes on to the point where people don't even care anymore. Society really went from " What will they say" to " I don't care anymore". People are handling criticism pretty well these heydays. Accept both compliments and criticism; It takes both sun and rain to grow a flower.
All I'm saying is if you were to die one day, nothing, I repeat not a single thing will matter as long as you did something worth remembering. A healthier individual might be infected by the coronavirus this year and die ( May god keep everyone safe and sound). An unhealthy individual who doesn't care much about his health might live to see another decade. Who knows? Do whatever you please that makes you genuinely happy even if includes ' Maintaining your health'.
Well, I guess that's it. In my opinion, Health is not a compulsion but one's own choice, I repeat Health is not a compulsion but one's own choice. With or without gym and proteins, Life goes on.